Using Data-Objects and Collections

Data-objects is a better replacement for arrays that allows you to manipulate data in OOP style. The main role of data-objects is to store the data of entities according to its described structure.

Building the data-objects

Each data-object can be created by calling the build() static method in the data-object class.



use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\DataObject;

// Build the instance of data-object.
$register_domain = DataObject\Domain\Register::build();

// Build the instance of data-object from an array.
$register_domain = DataObject\Domain\Register::build([
    'domainName' => '',
    'period' => 12,
    'customerId' => 12345678,
    // Specify the items for the property that stores the collection.
    // Collections will be described below.
    'nameServers' => [
        NameServer:build([ 'host' => '' ]),
        NameServer:build([ 'host' => '' ]),

Manipulations with data-objects

To set the value of a property, you can simply assign a value to it using the assignment operator. Also, a setter is being defined for each property, and this is the second way to set the property value. The setter method returns the same instance of the data-object, so it can be used for piping.



use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\DataObject;

// Build the instance of data-object.
$register_domain = DataObject\Domain\Register::build();

// Set the value of property using the assignment operator.
$register_domain->domainName = '';
$register_domain->customerId = 123456;

// Set the value of property using the setter method.

Using data-objects with API methods

Most of the API methods accept data-object on input and return data-object or the collection of data-objects.



use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Api;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Authenticator\ApiKey;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\DataObject;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Http\Adapter\Curl;

$api = new Api(
    new Curl(
        new ApiKey('c119f607800fdbb2d0f9f8be4118ffb5'),

$register_domain = DataObject\Domain\Register::build()

// Pass the prepared data-object to the API method.
// This method return the instance of another data-object,
// in this case - the instance of registered domain.
$domain = $api->domains->register($register_domain);

// Get the value of the property of the returned data-object.
echo 'Domain ID: ' . $domain->id;

The next example shows the case of the collection with data-objects:


use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Api;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Authenticator\ApiKey;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Http\Adapter\Curl;

$api = new Api(
    new Curl(
        new ApiKey('c119f607800fdbb2d0f9f8be4118ffb5'),

// The next method returns the collection of data-objects.
$domains = $api->domains->getAll();

// Iterate through the collection.
foreach ($domains as $domain) {
    echo 'Domain ID: ' . $domain->id . PHP_EOL;

Using collections of data-objects

Collections of data-objects are being representing by the Dreascape\ResellerApiSdk\DataObject\Collection class. This class implements Iterator, ArrayAccess and Countable PHP interfaces, so you can:

In addition, other methods are available:

Pagination details

If the API method supports pagination, the returned collection of data-objects will contain the pagination details. These details are available via read-only properties of the collection.

Property Description Example
totalItems Total number of items that matches the conditions. $domains->totalItems
totalPages Total number of pages of items that matches the conditions. $domains->totalPages
currentPage The number of current page. $domains->currentPage



$domains = $api->domains->getAll();

echo 'Total items: ' . $domains->totalItems . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Total pages: ' . $domains->totalPages . PHP_EOL;
echo 'Current page: ' . $domains->currentPage . PHP_EOL;

Using filters

For some SDK API methods, that returns collection of items, filters can apply. Filters allow you to set additional conditions for selecting elements or/and limit the number of these elements. They have the same API as data-objects because they extend the same base class.

For what filter is being used you can see in the documentation for the specific SDK API method.

Predefined values

To avoid the typos the predefined values have been added for some static values. See the constants in the Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\PredefinedValue namespace.

Representing data-objects as arrays

Data-objects and collections of data-objects can be represented as an array. For this purpose the toArray() method can be used. See an example for a single data-object:


// Get the single data-object.
$domain = $api->domains->getDetails(12345678);
// Represent data-object as an array.
$domain_array = $domain->toArray();
        'id' => 123456,
        'domainName' => '',
        'customerId' => 12345678,
        'authKey' => '#UIGTF&8392iofv9!',

See an example for the collection of data-objects:


// Get the collection of data-objects.
$domains = $api->domains->getAll();

// Represent the collection of data-object as an array.
$domains_array = $domains->toArray();
        'id' => 123456,
        'domainName' => '',
        'customerId' => 12345678,
        'authKey' => '#UIGTF&8392iofv9!',