Handling of Errors

Reseller API SDK provides exception-based mechanisms of errors handling. This means that every SDK API method can throw an exception instead of returning an error.



use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Api;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Authenticator\ApiKey;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\DataObject;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Exception;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Http\Adapter\Curl;

$api = new Api(
    new Curl(
        new ApiKey('c119f607800fdbb2d0f9f8be4118ffb5'),

try {
        'domainName' => 'crazydomains.com',
        'customerId' => 12345678,
        'period' => 12,
} catch (Exception\BadRequestException $e) {
    // Handle the errors in $e->getErrors().
}} catch (Exception\AuthenticationException $e) {
    // Handle the exception.

List of exceptions

All exceptions in Reseller API SDK are placed under the Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Exception namespace.

The Reseller API SDK provides the following exceptions:

Exception class Description
AuthenticationException Authentication credentials are invalid.
BadRequestException The request cannot be processed because provided data is invalid.
NotFoundException The requested resource could not be found.
PaymentRequiredException Reseller account does not have sufficient funds to process the operation.
InvalidResponseException Reseller REST API hasn’t returned a well formed response.
InternalServerErrorException A generic error message, given when an unexpected condition was encountered and no specific message is suitable.
Http\ConnectException Issues with the network (eg: no internet connection, problems with network adapter, etc.).
Http\RequestException An error during the request (error during sending/receiving the request, etc.).

All of the exceptions are being inherited from the ResellerApiSdkException class. Calling the getMessage() method will allow you to get the details if the API returned it.

The exception BadRequestException should be especially noted. This exception has the getErrors() method that returns the list of errors returned by the Dreamscape Reseller REST API.



use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Api;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Authenticator\ApiKey;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\DataObject;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Exception;
use Dreamscape\ResellerApiSdk\Http\Adapter\Curl;

$api = new Api(
    new Curl(
        new ApiKey('c119f607800fdbb2d0f9f8be4118ffb5'),

try {
        'domainName' => 'crazydomains.com',
        'customerId' => 12345678,
        'period' => 12,
} catch (Exception\BadRequestException $e) {
        'The domain name crazydomains.com already registered',