Dreamscape Reseller REST API Eligibility Fields

.au TLDs


Field Type Required Description Example
priority_contact_id string If there is a conflicting domain name registered under other .AU TLDs. Priority contact ID. m01000000000097
priority_auth_info string If there is a conflicting domain name registered under other .AU TLDs. Priority authentication information. Au2J9o%cJgV0P7PJ
business_type string If there is no conflicting domain name. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • Charity
  • Child Care Centre
  • Citizen/Resident
  • Club
  • Commercial Statutory Body
  • Company
  • Government School
  • Higher Education Institution
  • Incorporated Association
  • Industry Body

business_number_type string If there is no conflicting domain name. See Accepted Business And Trading Number Types.
business_number string If there is no conflicting domain name. 32790228959
business_name string If there is no conflicting domain name. Must contain no more than 255 characters. John & Doe Corp
trading_number_type string No Optional, can be defined if there is no conflicting domain name. Must be used in pair with trading_number and trading_name.
See Accepted Business And Trading Number Types.
trading_number string No Optional, can be defined if there is no conflicting domain name. Must be used in pair with trading_number_type and trading_name.
trading_name string No Optional, can be defined if there is no conflicting domain name. Must be used in pair with trading_number_type and trading_number.
Must contain no more than 255 characters.
John & Doe Trading

.com.au, .net.au, .org.au, .asn.au

Field Type Required Description Example
business_type string Yes Allowed values:  as JSON
  • Charity
  • Child Care Centre
  • Citizen/Resident
  • Club
  • Commercial Statutory Body
  • Company
  • Government School
  • Higher Education Institution
  • Incorporated Association
  • Industry Body
business_number_type string Yes See Accepted Business And Trading Number Types. ABN
business_number string Yes 32790228959
business_name string Yes Must contain no more than 255 characters. John & Doe Corp
trading_number_type string No Optional, must be used in pair with trading_number and trading_name.
See Accepted Business And Trading Number Types.
trading_number string No Optional, must be used in pair with trading_number_type and trading_name.
trading_name string No Optional, must be used in pair with trading_number_type and trading_number.
Must contain no more than 255 characters.
John & Doe Trading


Field Type Required Description Example
individual_name string Yes Must contain no more than 255 characters. John & Doe Corp

.hk TLDs


To be eligible to register this domain, you must provide valid credentials. If you are an organisation, you must provide valid business details, such as business number and country of origin. If you are an individual, you must provide valid identification, such as a National Identity Card number, or driver's licence/passport. Customers outside of Hong Kong may register .hk domains, but must still provide valid credentials.

Field Type Required Description Example
contact_type string Yes Contact type. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • I - Individual
  • O - Organisation
document_type string Yes Document type.
Allowed values (if contact_type = I):  as JSON
  • HKID - Hong Kong Identity Number
  • OTHID - Other Country Identity Number
  • PASSNO - Passport Number
  • BIRTHCERT - Birth Certificate
  • OTHIDV - Other Individual Document
Allowed values (if contact_type = O): as JSON
  • BR - Business Registration Certificate
  • CI - Certificate Of Incorporation
  • CRS - Certificate Of Registration Of A School
  • HKSARG - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Department
  • HKORDINANCE - Ordinance Of Hong Kong
  • OTHORG - Other Organisation Document
document_type_other string No Custom document type. Must be specified if document_type = OTHIDV or OTHORG.
Must contain no more than 255 characters.
document_origin string Yes Document origin. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • AF - Afghanistan
  • AL - Albania
  • DZ - Algeria
  • AS - American Samoa
  • AD - Andorra
  • AO - Angola
  • AI - Anguilla
  • AQ - Antarctica
  • AG - Antigua And Barbuda
  • AR - Argentina
document_number string Yes Document number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
industry_type string Yes Industry type. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • 0 - None
  • 010100 - Plastics & Plastic Products
  • 010200 - Rubber & Rubber Products
  • 010300 - Fibre Materials & Products
  • 010400 - Petroleum, Coal & Other Fuels
  • 010500 - Chemicals & Chemical Products
  • 020100 - Metal Materials & Treatment
  • 020200 - Metal Products
  • 020300 - Industrial Machinery & Supplies
  • 020400 - Precision & Optical Equipment


All residents of Hong Kong are eligible to register a .idv.hk domain name. To register this domain, you must provide us with a copy of your HKID or other documentary proof that you are a resident of Hong Kong. You will be asked to provide a copy of your identification documents after registration.

Field Type Required Description Example
document_type string Yes Document type. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • HKID - Hong Kong Identity Number
  • OTHID - Other Country Identity Number
  • PASSNO - Passport Number
  • BIRTHCERT - Birth Certificate
  • OTHIDV - Other Individual Document
document_type_other string No Custom document type. Must be specified if document_type = OTHIDV.
Must contain no more than 255 characters.
document_origin string Yes Document origin. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • AF - Afghanistan
  • AL - Albania
  • DZ - Algeria
  • AS - American Samoa
  • AD - Andorra
  • AO - Angola
  • AI - Anguilla
  • AQ - Antarctica
  • AG - Antigua And Barbuda
  • AR - Argentina
document_number string Yes Document number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
industry_type string Yes Industry type. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • 0 - None
  • 010100 - Plastics & Plastic Products
  • 010200 - Rubber & Rubber Products
  • 010300 - Fibre Materials & Products
  • 010400 - Petroleum, Coal & Other Fuels
  • 010500 - Chemicals & Chemical Products
  • 020100 - Metal Materials & Treatment
  • 020200 - Metal Products
  • 020300 - Industrial Machinery & Supplies
  • 020400 - Precision & Optical Equipment


Commercial entities registered in HKSAR are eligible to register a .com.hk domain name. To register this domain, you must provide a copy of your Business Registration Certificate from the Inland Revenue Department of the HKSAR Government, or a Certificate of Registration of Overseas Company from the Companies Registry of the HKSAR Government. You will be asked to provide a copy of your identification documents after registration.

Field Type Required Description Example
document_type string Yes Document type. Allowed values: as JSON
  • BR - Business Registration Certificate
  • CI - Certificate Of Incorporation
  • CRS - Certificate Of Registration Of A School
  • HKSARG - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Department
  • HKORDINANCE - Ordinance Of Hong Kong
  • OTHORG - Other Organisation Document
document_type_other string No Custom document type. Must be specified if document_type = OTHORG.
Must contain no more than 255 characters.
document_origin string Yes Document origin. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • AF - Afghanistan
  • AL - Albania
  • DZ - Algeria
  • AS - American Samoa
  • AD - Andorra
  • AO - Angola
  • AI - Anguilla
  • AQ - Antarctica
  • AG - Antigua And Barbuda
  • AR - Argentina
document_number string Yes Document number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
industry_type string Yes Industry type. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • 0 - None
  • 010100 - Plastics & Plastic Products
  • 010200 - Rubber & Rubber Products
  • 010300 - Fibre Materials & Products
  • 010400 - Petroleum, Coal & Other Fuels
  • 010500 - Chemicals & Chemical Products
  • 020100 - Metal Materials & Treatment
  • 020200 - Metal Products
  • 020300 - Industrial Machinery & Supplies
  • 020400 - Precision & Optical Equipment

.my TLDs


In order to register a .my domain, the .my domain administrator requires that we collect some additional information about your domain name eligibility.
For businesses, companies have to have a presence in Malaysia to be able to register a business domain name (.com.my, .net.my and .org.my).
Only individuals aged 18 and above, holding a Malaysian National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) can apply for personal domain names (.name.my).

Field Type Required Description Example
type string Yes Allowed values:  as JSON
  • I - Individual
  • O - Organization
nric string No Malaysian NRIC. Required if type = I. Format: 1234567-12-1234.
registrant_birth_date string No Registrant birth date. Required if type = I. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
gender string No Required if type = I. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • male - Male
  • female - Female
race string No Required if type = I. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • malay - Malay
  • chinese - Chinese
  • indian - Indian
  • others - Others
business_name string No Business name. Required if type = O. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
business_number string No Business number. Required if type = O. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
business_type string No Business type. Required if type = O. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • business pursuant to business registration act(rob) - Business pursuant to business registration act(rob)
  • architect firm - Architect firm
  • audit firm - Audit firm
  • business pursuant to commercial license ordinance - Business pursuant to commercial license ordinance
  • company pursuant to companies act(roc) - Company pursuant to companies act(roc)
business pursuant to business registration act(rob)
business_type_other string No Description for business type 'others'. Required if type = O and business_type = others.Must contain no more than 255 characters.

.com.my, .net.my, .org.my

In order to register a .my domain, the .my domain administrator requires that we collect some additional information about your domain name eligibility.
For businesses, companies have to have a presence in Malaysia to be able to register a business domain name (.com.my, .net.my and .org.my).

Field Type Required Description Example
business_name string Yes Business name. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
business_number string Yes Business number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
business_type string Yes Business type. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • business pursuant to business registration act(rob) - Business pursuant to business registration act(rob)
  • architect firm - Architect firm
  • audit firm - Audit firm
  • business pursuant to commercial license ordinance - Business pursuant to commercial license ordinance
  • company pursuant to companies act(roc) - Company pursuant to companies act(roc)
business pursuant to business registration act(rob)
business_type_other string No Description for business type 'others'. Required if business_type = others. Must contain no more than 255 characters.

.sg TLDs


In order to register a .sg domain, the .sg domain administrator requires that we collect some additional information about your domain name eligibility.

Field Type Required Description Example
local_presence string Yes Allowed values:  as JSON
  • 1 - Registrar will act as an agent for .sg (recommended)
  • 2 - Registrant has a local presence for .sg, and fulfils the .sg eligibility criteria
registrant_type string No Required if local_presence = 2. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • I - Individual
  • O - Company
registrant_name string No Registrant name. Required if local_presence = 2. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
nric_number string No NRIC number. Required if local_presence = 2 and registrant_type = I. T1234567E
business_name string No Business name. Required if local_presence = 2 and registrant_type = O. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
uen_gst_number string No UEN/GST number. Required if local_presence = 2 and registrant_type = O. S12TS1253R

.com.sg, .org.sg, .net.sg, .edu.sg

In order to register a .com.sg, .net.sg, .org.sg or .edu.sg domain, the .sg domain administrator requires that we collect some additional information about your domain name eligibility.

Field Type Required Description Example
registrant_name string Yes Registrant name. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
business_name string Yes Business name. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
uen_gst_number string Yes UEN/GST number. S12TS1253R

.es TLDs


If you are registering this domain as an individual, please enter your passport number below. This is a requirement by the registry. If you are registering this domain as a business, you may leave this field blank.

Field Type Required Description Example
passport_number string Yes Passport Number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


Please enter passport/VAT/DNI/NIF/NIE number below.

Field Type Required Description Example
passport_number string No Id Number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


Please enter passport/VAT/DNI/NIF/NIE number below.

Field Type Required Description Example
passport_number string No Id Number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


Please enter passport/VAT/DNI/NIF/NIE number below.

Field Type Required Description Example
passport_number string No Id Number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


If you are registering this domain under a business account, please enter the business details below.

Field Type Required Description Example
business_name string Yes Needs to specify if the domain name is registering under a business account in pair with ebr_id_number.
The value must be no more than 255 characters.
John & Doe Corp
ebr_id_number string No European Business Registry ID. Needs to specify if the domain name is registering under a business account.
The value must be 9 digits and only.
id_number string No Norwegian National Identity Number (Fødselsnummer).
Needs to specify if domain name is registering under a personal account and instead of EBR ID Number and Business Name.
The value must be 11 digits and only.


To be eligible to register this domain, you must provide an allocation token, which is provided when registering membership with the Taipei City Government.

Field Type Required Description Example
allocation_token string Yes Allocation token 32 characters long. c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b


Field Type Required Description Example
entity_type string Yes Allowed values:  as JSON
  • 1 - Natural Person
  • 2 - Company
  • 3 - Individual Firm/Freelance Worker
  • 4 - Non-profit Organisation
  • 5 - Public Organisation
  • 6 - Other
nationality string Yes Allowed values:  as JSON
  • AT - Austria
  • BE - Belgium
  • BG - Bulgaria
  • CY - Cyprus
  • CZ - Czech Republic
  • DK - Denmark
  • EE - Estonia
  • FI - Finland
  • FR - France
  • DE - Germany
identity_code string Yes Allowed values:
  • Codice Fiscale (Tax Number) for italian nationality
  • Tax Number or Identity Card Number for other nationalities
  • VAT Number for business entities
Must contain no more than 255 characters.

.cn, .com.cn, .net.cn, .org.cn

CNNIC (the .cn domain administrator) requires all domain registrants to provide additional information:

Chinese individuals will need to provide:
  • A scanned copy of identity card (driver's license, passport, national ID etc)
All other individuals will need to provide:
  • A scanned copy of passport (no other forms of ID are accepted)
Overseas business applicants will need to provide:
  • A scanned copy of business registration certificate
  • A scanned copy of identity card (driver's license, passport, national ID etc) for a business representative
Businesses part of China or Hong Kong will need to provide:
  • A scanned copy of Chinese Business License
  • A scanned copy of Certificate of Organization Code
  • A scanned copy of Chinese Citizen Nation ID for a business representative
After completing the checkout you will receive an email requesting these items.

Field Type Required Description Example
contact_type string Yes Contact type. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • I - Individual
  • O - Organisation
id_type string Yes ID type. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • SFZ - Chinese ID Card
  • HZ - Chinese Passport
  • JGZ - Chinese Officer Certificate
  • ORG - Chinese Organization Code Certificate
  • YYZZ - Chinese Business Licence
  • QT - Other
id_number string Yes ID number. If contact_type = I and id_type = QT, it must be no more than 9 alphanumeric characters long. Otherwise, it must contain no more than 255 characters.


Field Type Required Description Example
passport_number string Yes Passport number in format 12 34 123456. 11 04 000000
birth_date string Yes Birth date in format YYYY-MM-DD. 1991-07-12


Field Type Required Description Example
udai string Yes UDAI for Eligible Domain Name. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


The following will be eligible to register a domain name:

  • Swiss public bodies or other public law organisations (Confederation, cantons, municipalities);
  • bodies registered with the Swiss commercial register having their headquarters and an actual administrative site in Switzerland (companies, associations, foundations, persons registered with the Swiss commercial register);
  • associations and foundations not registered with the Swiss commercial register having their headquarters and an actual administrative site in Switzerland.

At present, physical persons cannot submit a registration application with the exception of persons registered with the Swiss commercial register. The register can be found at zefix.ch or uid.admin.ch

Field Type Required Description Example
business_id string Yes Business number will be validated by the registry at the time of domain registration. We recommend the format: CHE-xxx.xxx.xxx
intended_use string Yes A few words describing what the intend to use this domain for. For example, "e-commerce", "tourism", "social media" etc. This information is sent to the registry as part of the registration process for .swiss domains.
Must contain no more than 255 characters.


By registering a .NYC domain name you agree that you abide by the following criteria:

  1. Registrants of .NYC must be either:
    • a natural person whose primary place of domicile is a valid physical address in the City of New York ("Nexus Category 1"); or
    • an entity or organization that has a physical street address in the City of New York ("Nexus Category 2").
  2. The existence of a P.O. Box address in the City of New York shall not qualify for purposes of meeting the Nexus Policy.
  3. Registrants must agree in their Agreement with their Registrar and/or Reseller, whichever applicable, that they are in compliance with all relevant Federal, New York State and New York City laws, including the tax requirements for conducting business via the Internet. Registrants may find more information about compliance with the City tax laws at the City of New York Department of Finance's website (currently at www.nyc.gov/finance).
  4. Registrants must remain in compliance with the applicable Nexus Category for the entire period of such domain name's registration by the registrant.
  5. Registrants may not license, sub-delegate or otherwise transfer .NYC domain names to third parties that otherwise fail to meet the requirements of this Nexus Policy.

Field Type Required Description Example
address string Yes Address. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
city string Yes City. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
post_code string Yes Zip Code. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
phone string Yes Phone Number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


To register a .US domain, you must have a bona fide connection to the USA. You may register a .US domain if you are covered under one of the following:

  • US citizen, or permanent resident;
  • US organisation; or
  • Foreign organisation that does business in the US.

Field Type Required Description Example
nexus_category string Yes Category. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • C11 - US Citizen
  • C12 - Permanent Resident
  • C21 - US Organisation
  • C31 - Foreign Organisation doing business in the US
  • C32 - Foreign Organisation with US office
app_purpose string Yes Intended Purpose. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • P1 - Business For Profit
  • P2 - Non-Profit
  • P3 - Personal
  • P4 - Educational
  • P5 - Governmental


To be eligible register a .SCOT domain, you must be an individual or a legal entity with a nexus to the .SCOT community. This means you must be linked to the community at the time of registration and thereafter on a linguistic, cultural, tourism, business basis, or any other activity conducive to the welfare of the worldwide Scottish community.

Registrations under the .SCOT TLD are restricted to bona-fide members of the .SCOT community, and subject to the further requirement that the registrant's actions in the .SCOT community, as well as the registrant's use of the registered domain name, must be:

  • generally accepted as legitimate; and
  • beneficial to the cause and the values of the .SCOT community; and
  • commensurate with the role and importance of the registered domain name; and
  • in good faith at the time of registration and thereafter.

Registrants are required to state their intended use of the registered domain name. A false statement of intended use is an indication of bad faith and can be the basis for the suspension of the domain name.

Field Type Required Description Example
intended_use string Yes Intended Use. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


To be eligible register a .EUS domain, you must be an individual or a legal entity with a nexus to the Basque linguistic and cultural community. This means you must be linked to the community at the time of registration and thereafter on a linguistic, cultural, tourism, business basis, or any other activity conducive to the welfare of the Basque linguistic and cultural community.

Registrations under the .EUS TLD are restricted to bona-fide members of the Basque linguistic and cultural community, and subject to the further requirement that the registrant's actions in the Basque community, as well as the registrant's use of the registered domain name, must be:

  • generally accepted as legitimate; and
  • beneficial to the cause and the values of the Basque community; and
  • commensurate with the role and importance of the registered domain name; and
  • in good faith at the time of registration and thereafter.

Registrants are required to state their intended use of the registered domain name. A false statement of intended use is an indication of bad faith and can be the basis for the suspension of the domain name.

Field Type Required Description Example
intended_use string Yes Intended Use. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


To be eligible to register a .SPORT domain, you must be an individual or a legal entity with a nexus to the .SPORT community. Specifically, registrants in .SPORT must be recognized performers, organizers, promoters or supporters of federated Sport, or belong to categories of registrants recognized by the .SPORT Policy Advisory Board.

Eligible registrants include:

  • Sports Performers and Organizers: This class of registrants is intended to encompass those individuals, businesses, and organizations that produce sport content as publicly visible performers or organize and structure it. Specifically enumerated members of this group include: athletes, clubs, trainers, support staff, events, governing bodies, etc.
  • Corporate Partners: This class of registrants is intended to encompass businesses, and organizations who support the production of sport content by providing resources in exchange for sport-related visibility, including sponsors and media.

Registrants are required to state their intended use of the registered domain name. A false statement of intended use is an indication of bad faith and can be the basis for the suspension of the domain name.

Field Type Required Description Example
intended_use string Yes Intended Use. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


In order to register these domains - {domain_names}, you must be a Canadian citizen, or have businesses or running an organizations located in Canada. For detailed information, please click here: https://www.cira.ca/policy/rules-and-procedures/canadian-presence-requirements-registrants

Field Type Required Description Example
legal_type string Yes Legal Type. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • ABO - Aboriginal Peoples indigenous to Canada
  • ASS - Canadian Unincorporated Association
  • CCO - Corporation (Canada or Canadian province or territory)
  • CCT - Canadian citizen
  • EDU - Canadian Educational Institution
  • GOV - Government of government entity in Canada
  • HOP - Canadian Hospital
  • INB - Indian Band recognized by the Indian Act of Canada
  • LAM - Canadian Library, Archive or Museum
  • LGR - Legal Rep. of a Canadian Citizen of Permanent Resident


.LOTTO domains are available exclusively to official lottery organisations around the world. Registration is restricted to active members of the World Lottery Association, the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries, the European Lotteries, the African Association of State Lotteries, the Corporacion Iberoamericana de Loterias y Apuestas de Estado, and the Asia Pacific Lottery Association.

To register this domain, you need to enter your Membership Contact ID and Verification Code. These details have been provided to all eligible registrants by the registry. If you have not been provided with these details, but believe you are eligible for a .LOTTO domain, please review the eligibility requirements here.

You do not need to enter these details at this stage, but your domain will be inactive until you provide them at a later date. Entering your eligibility details below will speed up the registration process.

Field Type Required Description Example
contact_id string No Contact ID. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
verification_code string No Verification Code. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


To register a .do domain as an individual, you are required to provide an ID number. This should be entered in the box below. To register a .do domain as a business, we will use the business number from your account, so you may leave the box blank.

Field Type Required Description Example
id_number string No ID Number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


To register an .IE domain you need to have a Connection To Ireland (CTI), and you will need to provide proof. The documents required to show your CTI is determined by what type of registrant you are. The requirements are listed here: https://www.weare.ie/document-requirements/.

If you are a charitable organization based in Ireland, select Charity below, and enter your charity identifier or other supporting number in the ID Number field.

If you are a business or company that is incorporated in Ireland, select Company below, and enter your Companies Registration Office number in the ID Number field.

For all other types of registrant, select Other below. You can leave the ID Number field blank.

In all cases, you will be asked for proof of CTI later if required.

Field Type Required Description Example
contact_type string No Category. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • CHA - Charity
  • COM - Company
  • OTH - Other
ie_identifier string No ID Number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.


Customers wishing to register a .eu domain must satisfy one of the following criteria:

  • Residence: you are a resident of an EU state or territory, Iceland, Leichtenstein, or Norway; or
  • Citizenship: you are a citizen of an EU member state, regardless of residence.

If you do not satisfy the Residence criteria, then you must select your country of citizenship below. The registry may request proof of citizenship upon registration.

If you satisfy the Residence criteria, then the country of citizenship is optional.

.eu domains cannot be registered by anyone who is ineligible. We cannot provide proxy registration for customers outside of the .eu eligibility criteria. Note that the UK is no longer an EU member state, and cannot be used as Residence or Citizenship eligibility.

Field Type Required Description Example
country_of_citizenship string No Country Of Citizenship. Allowed values:  as JSON
  • O - Company
  • OTHER - Not Applicable
  • AT - Austria
  • BE - Belgium
  • BG - Bulgaria
  • HR - Croatia
  • CY - Cyprus
  • CZ - Czechia
  • DK - Denmark
  • EE - Estonia



Anyone can register a .FR domain, however, if the registrant is an organization or company located in France, they must provide the VAT number.
If the registrant is a individual, the individual's personal ID number will need to be listed in the VAT field.


Field Type Required Description Example
company_name string No Company Name. Must contain no more than 255 characters.
vat_number string No VAT Number. Must contain no more than 255 characters.